- eiExpand::example_performance_resultsExample performance analysis results
- eiExpand::example_rpvDFExample RPV analysis results in Washington State
- eiExpand::mt_block_dataExample block-level population data from Montana for split precinct analysis
- eiExpand::planShpExample district plan shape for split precinct analysis
- eiExpand::south_carolinaExample election and demographic data from South Carolina 2020 General Elections
- eiExpand::vtdExample vtd-level sf dataframe with election results for split precinct analysis
- eiExpand::wa_block_dataExample block-level population data from Washington for BISG
- eiExpand::wa_geocodedExample geocoded voter file from Washington for BISG
- eiExpand::washingtonExample election data with BISG demographics from Washington 2020 General Presidential Election